New Games

Can you survive when an insane maniac is chasing you at your heels? In Friday the 13th The Game you are going to face one of the most ruthless murderers and that will be Jason Voorhees who has both unbelievable strengths and unsurmountable will for killing. Will you be the one who will stop the series of crimes and eliminate the killer once and for all?

Run for your life

In Friday the 13th The Game you will have a chance to decide, whether you want to help the victims get out of the cursed campsite or you rather join Jason and punish them all. In the first case, you will have different heroes to play for. Moreover, each of them applies various approaches that determine their overall stats in the game.

At the beginning of the game, you will have only a few counsellors, but later on you will unlock the rest of them. The higher your level is the bigger number of possibilities become available for you. Each time you successfully accomplish your task, you will get some experience. Use it to purchase both new personages and their exclusive costumes.

However, the most interesting part of Friday the 13th The Game is its gameplay and as soon as you appear on the terrains of Crystal Lake Camp, you will immediately understand why. Now you will always be in danger, so cooperate with the rest of your team and decide what tactic you are going to perform this time.

There are several ways you can win the game and get out of the location. The most obvious is to wait until the morning comes and safely approach the exit together with your friends. But how about acting a little bit out of the box and picking up a slightly different strategy? For example, you may call the police if you get to the phone. Wait for them to arrive and don’t get caught by Jason!

Don’t let anybody escape

Selecting the other side of the game, you’re accepting another challenge. Although, considering all the abilities that Jason can apply, you will at least enjoy lots of graphic cutscenes that are full of violence and massacre. Don’t let your knife rest and eliminate all the survivors with it to fulfil your mother’s wish.

But in Friday the 13th The Game the maniac is not fully omnipotent. Though he is a supernatural human, but still a living being and there is a way to kill him as well! Don’t let the counsellors get you in their trap and instead set your own ones to catch them faster than they will comprehend all the terror that they dared to confront.